/ Awesome / Useful math hacks they didn’t teach you in school

Useful math hacks they didn’t teach you in school

admin on March 11, 2015 - 9:38 pm in Awesome, Hacks

  • Multiply large numbers in your mind: If you are asked to calculate large numbers in your mind by calculating them in mind then you can follow the rule which make your calculation easy and successful like if the numbers are 97 and 96 by subtracting both from 100 you got 3 and 4 by adding 3 and 4 you got 7 and by multiplying 3 and 4 you got 12 so the 7 you got by adding 3 and 4 is subtracted by 100 then 93 is got now the answer for 97 and 96 multiplication is 9312.


Multiply Large Numbersvia imgur / MoonnMan

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