/ Awesome / Things you can do with old tea bags

Things you can do with old tea bags

admin on April 20, 2015 - 11:26 pm in Awesome, Ideas

There are many regular grocery items that we use in your daily life but in most instances; we aren’t aware about the practical reutilization or secondary use of grocery items. We waste them after first time usage without acknowledging other or subsidiary advantages. Tea bags are one among many items that have many under acknowledged benefits that we aren’t aware about. Many of us don’t know about the hacks for these tea bags but it below few lines; we will be able to discover the art of using the used tea bags for secondary purposes in our daily life. Here are the things that you can do with old tea bags which are amazing to know in your daily routine:

  • Rust proof your cook ware: If you want rust proof cook ware then you should try old tea bags to clean and remove rust from cook ware for perfect cooking, free of rust. The tea bags have hidden quality and amazing unacknowledged property to act against rust. You will be amazed to observe your rusted cook ware after washing. It will look as clean as new.


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