/ Ideas / Facts About Coca-Cola They Do NOT Want You To Know

Facts About Coca-Cola They Do NOT Want You To Know

admin on February 26, 2015 - 8:59 pm in Ideas, Tips
  • Gum remover: if your hairs got stuck in bubble gum then without getting upset and angry you should pour that area into coke and in some minutes you can see the change in your hairs they would be the same as before.


  • Pain neutralizer: If you are bitten by a bug, honey bee or cockroach then you should put a coke on that affected part so that it is pain neutralizer it can absorb all your pain at once and you can amazed by its this usage.


  • Stubborn stains: Coca Cola can also be used for the purpose of cleaning stubborn stains from your clothes you can put coca cola into washing machine with detergent then after sometime you can see the clear change and clean clothes after washing clothes it is an amazing use of coca cola.


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