/ Garden / Growing your own red, juicy and tasty tomatoes

Growing your own red, juicy and tasty tomatoes

admin on July 11, 2014 - 1:56 am in Garden, How To, Ideas


Tomatoes, with rich flavor and so juicy and taste, perfect for mouthwatering salad, sauces and dishes. And, what is best that picking a tomato form your own garden, fresh and still warm from the sun, big and healthy? Tomatoes are fruits, although we use them as a vegetable for savory meals and salad. The spring in ideal for planting tomatoes in your garden, along with all other tasty vegetables. Growing you own tomatoes is easy, all you need is soil with the needed nutrients and lot of sun. The tomato plant grows one to three meters in height and because it has weak steam you will need to add a support like sprawls. If you have already plant or panning to add tomatoes in your garden here few tips for planting and taking care about them until they give you the perfect fruits. Tomatoes are great for the hot summer days when you don’t want a heavy meal. Add some feta cheese, garlic and olive oil and you will have the simplest, but the most delicious salad. And always keep in mind that the tomato you hand pick from your garden is much, much testier and healthier than the one you can buy in the stores or the markets.

Planting start before the frost season is over, if you choose to grow your plants from seed inside. Now is late to do that, so it is better to buy from the garden stores.

Before planting you need to find the ideal spot. Tomatoes are plant that need a sunny spot so that can grow big and strong. The best for them is at least six hours direct sunlight per day and the more sun they get they will be bigger and testier.

After you have picked the right spot prepare the soil by adding fertilizer and compost. You can buy or make your own compos and fertilizer by recycling your kitchen and garden waste. To grow, tomatoes need well drained soil that is rich in nutrients.

When the plants are between eight and ten inches tall is the time to plant them. Because they will grow you need to place them in holes around two feet apart. Close the holes with soil and the water them. Add water regularly the first two weeks of planting.

During the summer you need to water them once a week, about two inches of water. Remember to water the soil, not the plants. You also need to mulch the soil around your tomatoes so the soil can keep the moist even.

As we said, the tomato plant is weak so you need to add a support. For that you can add cage, trellis or wooden sticks that will tide with the plant with twine.

Prepared like this, with lots of sunlight and regular watering, your tomatoes will grow all summer long, providing you with it tasty fruits. Pick them when they are slightly soft and with nice red color. It is the best to consume right away. Also you can store them for few days in your refrigerator.

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